Foto : Niels P. Carstensen

Big Bang II – Ein Universum moderner Druckgrafik

Kunstmuseum der Stadt Albstadt ( Germany)
Die Sammlung Gerhard und Brigitte Hartmann
26. Juni bis 3. Oktober 2022

Auch Themen wie diemenschliche Vergänglichkeit und Emotionen wie das Lachen werdenthematisiert: in den Werken "Ignis e Lapide" – Feuer ausStein – und "Die Lachende" von Ulrike Bolenz. DieWirklichkeit gebe dabei inspirierende Impulse, sagte Museumsdirektor Kai Hohenfeld.

"Lachende " uit 1993 , aangekocht door de Foundation Gerard und Brigitte Hartmann in 2000. Nu tentoongesteld in het Kunstmuseum der Stadt Albstadt

Kunstmuseum Albstadt"Big Bang" zeigt Ansichten zur Wirklichkeit

Elena Baur 27.06.2022 in SCHWARZWALDER BOTE

Nieuwe locatie bij Verduyn Gallery te Moregem, maart 2022. De speciale video met haar statement " Der ewige Mensch" Kyiv naam aanpassing, kreeg meer dan 53000 weergaves op Facebook ! Ulrike Bolenz ontving hiervoor op Art Karlsruhe ( 09/07/2022) een award van het Ukraine Ministry of Culture and Information. Delegatie uit Kyiv: Volodymir Koziuk, Yuriy Kotyk en Oleksiy Zhadeyko. Members of the Council of the International Foundation " UKRAINE NEEDS OUR HELP " // The best artist // Verschenen 20 juli , Reportage met  tekst van Em. pr. dr. Willem Elias

" De lachende vrouwen als utopie"

Artist Ulrike Bolenz creator from the Wholistic World Innovation Trophy 2022. WWIT. THE WWIT LAUREATE The WWIT Laureate receives an exclusive and unique piece of art from the Icarus Series by internationally renowned Belgian/German artist Ulrike Bolenz. Ulrike is continuously increasing her global footprint and perfectly fits the task of the award by mixing innovative material with her very own innovative techniques with traditional craft. Dieter Brockmayer, Chief Project Officer at Diplomatic WorldRLD .Diplomatic World Institute.Democracy4all international conference Barcelona 10-11 november 2022BLOCKCHAIN FOR GOVERNANCEThis video contains a newsletter information regarding the work of Ulrike Bolenz in the year 2021-2022. Inauguration of the artwork "Laura" in the town hall of Vilvoorde. Art Karlsruhe 2022. Presentation of the first prize in Kiev, National Museum of Kiev, september 2021. Presentation of Ulrike Bolenz project Peace Dove to Pope Francis by ceo Barbara Dietrich Diplomatic World Institute.

"PEACE PROJECT " Vredesduif    Ulrike Bolenz      Europees Parlement Brussel   Diplomatic World Magazine   Overhandiging aan Paus Francis 09/2022